Thursday, December 11, 2014

And That's A Wrap!

It feels as if I blinked and my first semester of college was done. I can hardly believe it! Four and a half months have gone by and it seems like it was just yesterday that my family was helping me move into my apartment. I guess time does fly when you're having fun...or studying... My first semester away at school was definitely one to remember. From all the nights binge-watching Netflix, to my weekly Pub outings, and to my millions of road trips (ok it was about six... millions sounds cooler),  I can definitely say that Fall 2014 was one for the books.

I know a lot of you are finishing with finals this week; don't give up! All of your all-nighters and all the coffee you've ingested will surely pay off if you set your mind to it. Get your rest and stay focused on your exams. You'll be back home before you know it, doing whatever it is you do when you're home alone for seven hours (in my case).

This next month is the really fun part though: Winter Break. Hearing those words just makes me want to run around and sing Christmas carols. As soon as all of my friends finish their finals, this break is going to be amazing. There's so much time to sleep, go shopping (yay!), and do so many other things that I missed from home! I can't wait to have everyone back in Miami again. It's such a good feeling when you go months without seeing your friends and you can act like you just saw each other yesterday when you next see each other. Enjoy your few weeks home with all your loved ones. It's the happiest time of the year!

Hopefully next semester is as good, if not better, than this past one. I'm looking forward to more road trips (maybe I'll go somewhere new?) and meeting new people. I hope this break brings everyone exactly what they need, whether it be sleep, or (some) partying. Bundle up! It seems like this holiday season is going to be colder than our usual 80 degree Christmases! (That's kind of exciting!)

Happy Holidays,


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