Friday, November 20, 2015

Twitter Talk

If you know me, you know I'm an avid Twitter user. Actually, the word "avid" may not even suffice to how often I use the social media platform. It's my favorite app to use and probably can't go a day without using it. With that being said, I see a lot of things on a daily basis that catch my attention. Besides celebrities and funny accounts, most of the people who grace my timeline (news feed) are people who are more-or-less my age. Old high school friends, new college friends, and everyone in between. There are so many things I read throughout my day on the Twittersphere* that seriously make me want to face palm myself.

People don't seem to understand that Twitter is not a personal diary. If your boyfriend is annoying you, feel free to tweet an eye rolling emoji. Totally normal. Don't rant on and on saying things like "when my boyfriend is an ass" or "thanks for always making me cry." Everyone knows you are talking about your boyfriend- and we don't care. Fix your issues with him, talk to your best friend, or get a diary. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I've never been one to tweet my problems, but I've recently learned that seeing negative and overly dramatic things on my TL just annoys people. So I bought a journal. Maybe you should too. Or get a therapist. I don't know. 

You should also always remember that people only put the things they want you to see online. No one is going to advertise all things wrong with them, instead they will post hundreds of things that make them & their life seem perfect- but as a wise teen pop-star living a double life once said, "nobody's perfect." Don't let what people share online affect your day-to-day happiness. You'll be so much happier overall when you know that not everything is as it seems. 

Twitter is really fun and useful to find out what's going on in your friend's lives & in the world around us. I find out most of my information (breaking news: Kylie & Tyga broke up- @EOnline) from news accounts or more up-to-date and politically attentive friends I follow. I do want to read about the weird thing your professor did in class, or the kid you saw fall off his longboard; I don't want to read about you crying in your room at 2:00 a.m. You're better than that. Also, you know your tweets are ending up in a group chat somewhere, so be wise with what you say. Screenshots are forever

Tweet with caution (and watch out for typos, please),


P.S. Follow me on Twitter for hourly updates on the ridiculous things that happen in my day-to-day life & the stupidities I encounter everyday. I promise you'll laugh at least once. 

*Twitter, the Twitter world