Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Unplug Yourself and Look Up

I came across something on Yik Yak earlier today that really caught my attention. For those of you who don't know what Yik Yak is, it's pretty much an anonymous twitter that only shows "yaks" from people in your surrounding area. It's very popular on college campuses across the country, and it's extremely entertaining to read when you're bored. Anyway, what I came across was something along the lines of "If you wear sunglasses and headphones while walking around campus, you're missing out on a lot of things." After just being here for a week and a half, I can totally agree with that statement. Although a lot of us don't want to be bothered while we walk from building to building, it may be nice to actually unplug ourselves and actually pay attention to what is going on in the world around us.

I'm the first to admit that I am a victim of the sunglass and headphones epidemic. (Drastic word choice? Take a look around and you'll see that it isn't.) It's the easiest way to avoid looking awkward, especially when you're a freshman like I am. But, by now we should all have a feel for where our classes are. Take off your headphones and listen to all the beautiful noises going on around you, whether they're student clubs harassing you to take their flyers or a hipster sitting on a bench playing his guitar. 

After reading that "yak", I locked my phone and put it in my bag. You would be amazed at how many people walk around the entire campus with their heads glued to their cell phones. Look up! There are so many things you're missing out on by completely ignoring every living thing that crosses your path. You're blessed enough to go to school at a  beautiful campus, why don't you take it all in? I'm sure it gets old after a few years, but who cares! You really never know when the last time you see the beautiful sights around you is going to be; you might as well enjoy every minute you can!

As of today, I vow to not use my headphones or cell phone as much while walking around campus. Don't lie, we all know you're going to use your phone throughout the entire class. Why not give it a rest during your walk to class? Maybe you'll stumble upon things or people you'd never thought you'd come across, and it may change your life. 


Sunday, August 24, 2014

First Week: Check

Finally. It's Sunday afternoon and I couldn't be happier. Weird, right? People usually dread Sundays because the infamous Monday we all have grown to hate follows it. Strangely, I'm happy it's Sunday. The thought gives me a sense of serenity. My first whole week of being away at school has gone by, and I'm glad to say it went extremely well.

To start, I am madly in love with my apartment, especially my room. The thought of coming back to my room every day calms me down, even if I'm sweaty and annoyed from getting lost on campus (yes, that happened). The view from my balcony is none other than the beautiful University of Central Florida. My roommates are some of the most fun girls in town (and Orlando is pretty big). My first week in my apartment was great and I cannot wait to see what else this little home on the fifth floor has in store for me. 

I've experienced quite an array of things this past week. Let's begin with me getting lost while trying to find my school gym... in Orlando's extreme heat and humidity. I'll add that to my list of things to avoid doing. I also had to climb five flights of stairs last night due to my building's elevator deciding to break. Another thing to add to that list. But anyway, enough with the negatives. Here's a big shocker that I stumbled upon in three out of the four classes I'm taking: classes are a whole lot bigger than 35 students. Two of my classes have 1,000+ students enrolled... Crazy right? 

I ended my week with some minor grocery shopping. (Tip: eat before you go to the grocery store and you'll end up buying less food.) I took a small power nap when I got home and I'm currently having some coffee while I wait for my laundry to be done. I can't wait to make dinner (chicken accompanied with Caprese salad...yum!) and have a relaxing night. I have three classes tomorrow, so I'll probably go to bed as soon as I'm done with the reading assignments (you have to read a lot in college, just saying). 

All in all, my first week in school couldn't have gone better. My best friend and my step brother came to visit, so that gave me something to look forward to throughout the week. (Side story: my best friend and I went to IHOP at midnight and had breakfast.... If you've never done that, you're really missing out.) I'll keep you posted on anything that happens this week. A school that has 60,000 students is bound to supply me with something to write about. My textbooks are calling my name, so I better start reading. 

Much love, and good luck to all those starting school this week! Enjoy it; your first week of college only happens once!


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Quick Power Surges

I never thought I'd be so happy to see my half-deflated air mattress. After having a very long, HOT day of sorority recruitment, the first thing I wanted to do was plop on my air bed and sleep. (That is after I ate lunch, of course. Do you know they don't give you a lunch break during Rush Week?)  I think at some point of every college student's day, they crave that little bit of sleep to keep them going on what seems like a never ending day.

I'm not saying that I'm planning on taking a nap every single day. But sometimes, it's just the little power surge I need. Whether you have a big test to study for, or a whole four days of recruitment left, naps are always an easy (and healthy) way to get that energy you need.

I find that the short, 20-30 minute naps are usually more effective than the two hour hibernations we all love to take. A short, peaceful rest will help us wake up with energy, ready to conquer whatever task we have ahead of us. Think about it. A lot of people drown themselves in venti sized coffees and super sized Red Bulls. What's the point? (Hello, calories do exist!) Although I myself am an avid coffee drinker (side note: I've had to adjust to iced coffee due to Miami and Orlando's extreme heat), I have come to the conclusion that sometimes all you really need is a quick power nap.

Try it out. The next time you feel exhausted, don't fight it. Go home, and set your alarm to wake you up in the next thirty minutes. I'm 99% sure you'll feel great after you get up. Skip the heavy caffeinated drinks every once in a while. You'll end up crashing a couple hours after you finish them anyway.

Happy napping!


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Scratch That- College Is Real!

I was about to begin writing on how weird I felt that this was my last Wednesday in Miami (for a while) when my computer made a ringing sound. I looked at the bottom right hand corner of my computer screen, and noticed that I had a new email in my UCF email account's inbox. Eagerly, I opened it to find my FIRST ever email from a college professor. How crazy is that?!

You're probably thinking, "Ok, she's weird. Why is that so cool?" I get it. I doubt anyone gets excited over emails from their professors. I wasn't necessarily excited, it was just so surreal on how I'm actually starting school soon. College is actually a real thing! Although I've known in the back of my mind that I'd be starting school this month, it hadn't hit me until right now, at 11:51 a.m. when I opened the email from my Financial Accounting professor.

I think that goes to show how you don't really believe things until they actually happen sometimes. All my friends and I knew we'd be starting school in a couple of weeks, but I guess that email made it real. Although it's a bit strange to me that I won't be able to hug my mom on the couch while we watch marathons of Keeping Up With the Kardashians and Botched, or sit in my sister's room while she plays her obnoxious country music, I think I'm really excited for the change. (I say "think" because I'm not sure if the feeling is "excitement" or if I'm extremely scared....I think it's excitement.) Hopefully the three strangers I'll be living with become really good friends of mine- let's face it, no one wants to have reality TV marathons alone! (Can you really call people you talk to every day strangers? That's modern-day technology for you!)

I'd like to end with this: I move to a new city in three days. Three. That's it. I can't wait to make my new apartment my new (temporary) home and fill it with memories that I'll be able to share with those whom I love most. I hope my last few days in Miami are filled with happiness and love from all the people staying behind (or going to other schools for that matter). Miami has been a huge part of my life (18 years of "huge") and I'm glad to say that I've more than enjoyed my time here. Now it's time to take on a new city and start a new story: Orlando, here I come!