Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Happy Month

The time has finally come. October. Just hearing the word brightens my day. For years now, the month of October has brought me so many feelings of happiness for no particular reason. Maybe it's because Fall starts (those of you in Miami can pretend). Maybe it's seeing everyone decorate their houses for Halloween. Whatever the reason may be, the month of October never ceases to bring joy to my years.

This October is going to be an exciting one in my book. First off, I'm spending my first weekend of the month back home with all my best friends and family. Who wouldn't be happy? The following weekend I'm making a trip to Gainesville to visit my best friend (yay!), and the weekend after that I'm making a trip to Tallahassee to visit another best friend and watch the FSU vs. Notre Dame game. Can you feel the excitement?! I'm sad to say that between all the mini weekend vacations I won't have time to go to Halloween Horror Nights for the first time in the past four years (insert sad-face emoji). If you go, ride the Rip Ride Rockit for me. Quick tip: choose Stronger by Kanye West as your song... I promise it makes the thrilling roller coaster ten times more fun.

So, the countdown to Halloween begins. No matter what you do to celebrate the holiday, it's always fun to dress up and spend time with good company. Wouldn't it be nice if it wasn't weird for us older kids to trick-or-treat? You don't come around free candy that much in college...or anything free for that matter. That reminds me... I need to buy a costume! Every girl loves dressing up for halloween. I wonder how many cats and bunnies I'll encounter this year... Get creative girls!

I challenge all of you to embrace the month of October as much as you can. Find your own reasons to be grateful for this month. Do you ever just get a feeling of happiness when hearing a certain song or thinking about a specific memory? That's how I tend to feel about October. There really is no concrete reason; it just brings a sense of serenity and joy to my year. It's a new month: start fresh! Get rid of all the built up stress and just have an enjoyable month. Take a break from every day drama and sit back and watch the leaves change (if that happens where you're from). Hopefully my new city will give me reasons to wear all the winter clothes I felt necessary to buy while living in a city with no winter season.

Happy October!


P.S. October calls for all things pumpkin! If you've never tried it, take this as an opportunity to try something new! I do not think you'll regret it. If you're a coffee drinker and you have avoided tasting Starbucks's infamous Pumpkin Spice Latte, put your pride aside and make one of the best decisions of your life. If coffee isn't your thing, pick up a pumpkin loaf at your local super market! I recently tasted Entenmann's Pumpkin Loaf and I have to say that I found my new obsession. It goes great alone or paired with any warm drink. 

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