Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Quick Power Surges

I never thought I'd be so happy to see my half-deflated air mattress. After having a very long, HOT day of sorority recruitment, the first thing I wanted to do was plop on my air bed and sleep. (That is after I ate lunch, of course. Do you know they don't give you a lunch break during Rush Week?)  I think at some point of every college student's day, they crave that little bit of sleep to keep them going on what seems like a never ending day.

I'm not saying that I'm planning on taking a nap every single day. But sometimes, it's just the little power surge I need. Whether you have a big test to study for, or a whole four days of recruitment left, naps are always an easy (and healthy) way to get that energy you need.

I find that the short, 20-30 minute naps are usually more effective than the two hour hibernations we all love to take. A short, peaceful rest will help us wake up with energy, ready to conquer whatever task we have ahead of us. Think about it. A lot of people drown themselves in venti sized coffees and super sized Red Bulls. What's the point? (Hello, calories do exist!) Although I myself am an avid coffee drinker (side note: I've had to adjust to iced coffee due to Miami and Orlando's extreme heat), I have come to the conclusion that sometimes all you really need is a quick power nap.

Try it out. The next time you feel exhausted, don't fight it. Go home, and set your alarm to wake you up in the next thirty minutes. I'm 99% sure you'll feel great after you get up. Skip the heavy caffeinated drinks every once in a while. You'll end up crashing a couple hours after you finish them anyway.

Happy napping!


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