Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Scratch That- College Is Real!

I was about to begin writing on how weird I felt that this was my last Wednesday in Miami (for a while) when my computer made a ringing sound. I looked at the bottom right hand corner of my computer screen, and noticed that I had a new email in my UCF email account's inbox. Eagerly, I opened it to find my FIRST ever email from a college professor. How crazy is that?!

You're probably thinking, "Ok, she's weird. Why is that so cool?" I get it. I doubt anyone gets excited over emails from their professors. I wasn't necessarily excited, it was just so surreal on how I'm actually starting school soon. College is actually a real thing! Although I've known in the back of my mind that I'd be starting school this month, it hadn't hit me until right now, at 11:51 a.m. when I opened the email from my Financial Accounting professor.

I think that goes to show how you don't really believe things until they actually happen sometimes. All my friends and I knew we'd be starting school in a couple of weeks, but I guess that email made it real. Although it's a bit strange to me that I won't be able to hug my mom on the couch while we watch marathons of Keeping Up With the Kardashians and Botched, or sit in my sister's room while she plays her obnoxious country music, I think I'm really excited for the change. (I say "think" because I'm not sure if the feeling is "excitement" or if I'm extremely scared....I think it's excitement.) Hopefully the three strangers I'll be living with become really good friends of mine- let's face it, no one wants to have reality TV marathons alone! (Can you really call people you talk to every day strangers? That's modern-day technology for you!)

I'd like to end with this: I move to a new city in three days. Three. That's it. I can't wait to make my new apartment my new (temporary) home and fill it with memories that I'll be able to share with those whom I love most. I hope my last few days in Miami are filled with happiness and love from all the people staying behind (or going to other schools for that matter). Miami has been a huge part of my life (18 years of "huge") and I'm glad to say that I've more than enjoyed my time here. Now it's time to take on a new city and start a new story: Orlando, here I come!


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