Sunday, August 24, 2014

First Week: Check

Finally. It's Sunday afternoon and I couldn't be happier. Weird, right? People usually dread Sundays because the infamous Monday we all have grown to hate follows it. Strangely, I'm happy it's Sunday. The thought gives me a sense of serenity. My first whole week of being away at school has gone by, and I'm glad to say it went extremely well.

To start, I am madly in love with my apartment, especially my room. The thought of coming back to my room every day calms me down, even if I'm sweaty and annoyed from getting lost on campus (yes, that happened). The view from my balcony is none other than the beautiful University of Central Florida. My roommates are some of the most fun girls in town (and Orlando is pretty big). My first week in my apartment was great and I cannot wait to see what else this little home on the fifth floor has in store for me. 

I've experienced quite an array of things this past week. Let's begin with me getting lost while trying to find my school gym... in Orlando's extreme heat and humidity. I'll add that to my list of things to avoid doing. I also had to climb five flights of stairs last night due to my building's elevator deciding to break. Another thing to add to that list. But anyway, enough with the negatives. Here's a big shocker that I stumbled upon in three out of the four classes I'm taking: classes are a whole lot bigger than 35 students. Two of my classes have 1,000+ students enrolled... Crazy right? 

I ended my week with some minor grocery shopping. (Tip: eat before you go to the grocery store and you'll end up buying less food.) I took a small power nap when I got home and I'm currently having some coffee while I wait for my laundry to be done. I can't wait to make dinner (chicken accompanied with Caprese salad...yum!) and have a relaxing night. I have three classes tomorrow, so I'll probably go to bed as soon as I'm done with the reading assignments (you have to read a lot in college, just saying). 

All in all, my first week in school couldn't have gone better. My best friend and my step brother came to visit, so that gave me something to look forward to throughout the week. (Side story: my best friend and I went to IHOP at midnight and had breakfast.... If you've never done that, you're really missing out.) I'll keep you posted on anything that happens this week. A school that has 60,000 students is bound to supply me with something to write about. My textbooks are calling my name, so I better start reading. 

Much love, and good luck to all those starting school this week! Enjoy it; your first week of college only happens once!


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