I'm the first to admit that I am a victim of the sunglass and headphones epidemic. (Drastic word choice? Take a look around and you'll see that it isn't.) It's the easiest way to avoid looking awkward, especially when you're a freshman like I am. But, by now we should all have a feel for where our classes are. Take off your headphones and listen to all the beautiful noises going on around you, whether they're student clubs harassing you to take their flyers or a hipster sitting on a bench playing his guitar.
After reading that "yak", I locked my phone and put it in my bag. You would be amazed at how many people walk around the entire campus with their heads glued to their cell phones. Look up! There are so many things you're missing out on by completely ignoring every living thing that crosses your path. You're blessed enough to go to school at a beautiful campus, why don't you take it all in? I'm sure it gets old after a few years, but who cares! You really never know when the last time you see the beautiful sights around you is going to be; you might as well enjoy every minute you can!
As of today, I vow to not use my headphones or cell phone as much while walking around campus. Don't lie, we all know you're going to use your phone throughout the entire class. Why not give it a rest during your walk to class? Maybe you'll stumble upon things or people you'd never thought you'd come across, and it may change your life.