Tuesday, September 8, 2015

An Open Letter To Anyone Afraid To Love

A year ago today, I would have never thought my life would be the way it is right now. If you know me, you'd know I was an avid "forever alone" and emotionless person when it came to all things "relationship". My best friends all had boyfriends, and as much as I love them, I'd gag whenever they said how much they loved or missed their significant other. I'd ask them how they could possibly talk to someone all day (which I still don't get...but whatever) and not go crazy. I guess you could say I was afraid of love. 

I never really thought about it until now. I was scared to start liking a stupid boy (yes, they're all stupid) just to have my heart broken. I don't know why I thought that; everyone else seemed to be having fun jumping from relationship to relationship all through high school... and then there was me, single NG (sidenote: I gave a ton of *great* relationship advice to everyone for being the only single friend). I'm not complaining; everything happens for a reason and I had an amazing time with all my friends being the official third wheel. 

Love isn't something we should be scared of; it should excite us. I never thought I'd act the way I do around a guy but hey, people change. I've literally turned into one of those annoying people who call their boyfriend "muffin" and "blueberry" and I just can't with myself. It's sickening (in a cute, I-don't-want-to-admit-it kind of way). 

I guess I just want to tell anyone out there who may feel the same way I felt that they shouldn't be scared to love. If you think someone could be good for you, give it a try. Don't be scared to get into a relationship because of what may (or may not) happen. Life is about taking chances and whatever is meant to be, will be. Just go for it. I did, and I've never been happier. I've never had a boyfriend so I don't really know what I'm doing, but it's fun learning as time goes by. You'll grow as a person and who knows, you may actually like the non single version of yourself a lot more than you thought you would. And if you're afraid to love because of a previous relationship, I have some advice: it gets better. Don't let your past hold you back from making your future better and brighter. 

Lots of love,


Yes this is a cheesy quote but whatever. Enjoy it. Live it. Love it. 

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