Monday, July 27, 2015

Midnight Rant

I've come to notice that a lot of people nowadays hold back on what they want to say. They feel as if they'll be judged or ridiculed for having their own opinion, when in reality we should really be speaking our minds. I'm not necessarily talking about anything in specific. On the contrary- there are so many things that need to be said in the world that are simply left unsaid, behind the fear of ridicule and being ignored. So many people in our world live by the common phrase "be the change you wish to see in the world" (me being one of them), but I find that difficult to do in a society that judges you so much for simply having your own opinion.

By talking about different things and situations that you deem necessary to speak about, you encounter people who have the same beliefs as you, and together you can possibly make a difference or greatly contribute towards whatever that cause/idea/feeling may be. Maybe its on a large scale; maybe it's the just growth between you and another individual person. Whatever you think needs to be said (rational things, hopefully), go ahead and say it. Don't be afraid of what the people around you might think. Chances are, someone wants to say what you said but just didn't know how to.

The fact that it's already the last week of July 2015 says a lot. Time goes by faster than we seem to think it does. Tomorrow might be too late to say what you wanted to say today. I guess what I'm trying to get at is that nothing should stop us from expressing how we feel. There are so many platforms available to us to help us speak our minds and express ourselves, and I don't feel as if everyone is taking advantage of them. I was once stumped by the question, "Would you rather not say something and regret not saying it, or say something and regret it afterwards," and I think I've recently found my answer. If you never speak up, you'll never know what could have happened. I don't know about you, but I hate living with unchangeable "what ifs" in my life. If worst comes to worse and you say something that doesn't go as planned, life goes on and at least you made an effort.

Speak your mind without the fear of people around you judging you. The people who actually mean something to you won't be the ones judging you, it'll be the irrelevants (I don't think that's a real noun but we'll pretend) who wish they had something meaningful and un-rude to do with their lives that will be. Ok I'm done with my midnight rant... for now. It'll probably continue on the twittersphere.


P.S. Keep up with me even when I'm not blogging by following me on Twitter at @nicki_gee!

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