1. Mentally prepare to wait in an extremely long line.
I've never, ever, been to Chipotle and not had to wait in line. Right when they open, ten minutes before closing, and any time in between, there is going to be a line. If you have the mobile app (I do), you could order ahead, but I feel like they kiiiinda rip you off. Them not having to look you in the eye as you order tends to lead to a shortage on the ingredients. So just don't go to Chipotle if you're in any kind of rush. Not worth the stress/anxiety.... fine maybe it is.
2. Order a bowl. Always.
You like tacos? Order a bowl. You're a burrito kind of person? Order a bowl. Unless you're weird and you get quesadillas at Chipotle (sorry not sorry), always order a bowl. By ordering a bowl, you get double the amount of food than you do in a burrito- and like, a thousand times more food than if you order tacos. Also ask for it "to-go"- even if you're eating it there. The lids are useful for mixing up your fabulous creation of goodness. Get your bowl, fill it up with all the yummy ingredients you want, and ask for your burrito/taco tortillas on the side. They're free. That way, you can make two full burritos (one for now- one for when you get home from going out), as many tacos as you want, and still have some delish bowl left to your enjoyment. Side note: make sure you get enough sour cream so your bowl kind of turns into a dip. This will be handy in the next step.
3. Get chips.
It's not a waste of money. Chipotle chips are soooo good and they go perfectly with your food. It's also awesome to dip them in your bowl, or guac if you're into that. And yes, Chipotle employees, we know the guac is extra.
Now that I've given you my advice on how to order at Chipotle, I hope you take it to heart. I know a lot of you already do this, so maybe share this with your parents. They don't seem to understand. I just feel bad for people who don't get bowls. What's your deal anyway? Happy eating- I'm going to go into my food coma right about now.
Chipotle Lover & Advocate,