From what I've been seeing on many social media platforms throughout the day, today has been a rainy day just about everywhere. Grey skies and wet sidewalks call for many things, and I feel like today was perhaps the most perfect rainy day. Why? Nothing specific, really. But something about the sound of the rain dripping off the gutter right outside my fifth floor window has brought me a sense of serenity.
Being that today is Monday, I wasn't too thrilled to start my day. Everyone knows what Mondays call for: waking up early, a whole four days until its Friday, and if you're me, no food because you haven't gone grocery shopping. After snoozing my alarm four times and finally getting up, I ventured to take on my typical Monday. The day started off with really nice weather; I'm not sure at what point of my three hour Netflix binge it took a turn for the dark side. Oh, and I took care of the whole no-food situation, thankfully.
I've been alone for most of the day, not including minimal interactions I came across on campus or at the grocery store. Two of my roommates are back in their hometown and the other one has been in class all day. I'm not complaining, though. Sometimes all you need is a little alone time. I don't know about you, but sometimes being alone and just thinking is exactly what I need. I don't think about anything specific, either. I love letting my thoughts roam while listening to the little noises outside my window. I also decided to finish season ten of Grey's Anatomy, and might I say, it was
Although plenty of people would complain about it being Monday, or the gross weather that the "Sunshine State" was
blessed with today, I have zero complaints about this day. I tend to be a negative person, so I'm trying to see the good in whatever life throws at me (even if it
is rainy and gloomy). Appreciate the gloominess. Embrace the rain. If you look outside, not much has changed. The trees are still green, cars are still driving, and your favorite fast food restaurant is still up and running. If none of that is changing, why should our mindset? Don't let some dark skies bring you down. I've been in my bedroom for most of the day with the lights off, but I couldn't have enjoyed my cozy Monday more! Everyone could use a party-of-one cuddle session every now and then. (This tends to happen more often than not for me... that's another post in itself.)
Don't dwell on the depressing fact that Friday is so far away, be happy that this rainy day isn't over yet! There's so much that could still be done; don't let a little water get in your way! Go do what makes you happy, whether it's getting in your car and driving somewhere, dancing in your mirror when no one is watching, or just cuddling in your bed with your laptop. I'm going to stay in bed because thats what rainy days are made for in my book. Make some hot chocolate and pick up your favorite book (currently reading White Girl Problems by Babe Walker, highly recommend it). Embrace Florida's wet weather and turn it into a good thing!