Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday Morning Inspiration

You know when you feel like you've had something to do at every hour of the day? That feeling of pure exhaustion? That's what I've felt like pretty much every day for the past few weeks. I feel like I haven't had anytime for myself. I've either been busy with my sorority, or busy hosting guests in my apartment (not complaining- always fun). So, on this fine Monday morning, I decided to skip my Intro to Communications class (sorry mother) and just have a little me time.  My me time obviously consisted of me sleeping in and getting Starbucks. How would I get through this day without my White Mocha Latte? (I wouldn't).

Final exams are approaching and that's a good and bad thing. Good because, well, final exams equal summer (for two weeks at least... then I'm back to 1509). Bad because of finals. Studying. Cramming. Confusion. There are so many words to describe the negatives of finals week that I'm beginning to wonder if this whole semester has even been worth it (yes I'm dramatic). All I can advise is to not wait until the night before to study, drink coffee if you're planning on spending the day at the Library, and take study breaks. There's no way you can study for countless hours and retain all that information. Have small break periods and get back after about 30-45 minutes. Also- I know this isn't what you want to hear, but try avoiding stimulants like Adderall and Vyvanse (unless prescribed, of course). I'm sure they really help you study but you don't have a *legitimate* prescription for a reason. You don't need it. If you study little by little instead of an all-nighter the night before, you'll do just fine. Ok sorry, enough with the mom lecture.

With that being said, look at the bright side. This semester is so close to being over. I can't believe I'm about to finish my first year of college. I really feel like I graduated high school a few weeks ago. If any seniors are reading this- enjoy your last few days in high school. I know you're eager to get out and some of you to move out, but enjoy it while you can. Summer is creeping closer and closer with each day. I can almost taste the endless piƱa coladas and frozen lemonades. Our drinks with little umbrellas are at our finger tips; end the school year with a bang.

Good luck with finals!